The year 2012 has been the topic of much controversy.
Some believe that the Mayans predicted that the world would end on 21 December 2012. Others disagree saying this has been taken out of context and does not mean the end of the world, but rather that a major cosmic shift and realignment of planets will occur which will have a ripple effect on earth.
Still others believe this to be one of the biggest hoaxes in history.
Another belief floating out there, is that there is a planet named Nibiru (sometimes referred to as Planet X) that orbits through our solar system once every three thousand six hundred years. While there is no definite scientific proof of this, there are those researchers who agree that there appears to be a missing planet from the orbital rotation. Some even believe that the next time this planet’s orbit is set to intersect with ours will be in the year 2012. If this orbit interferes with our solar system it could cause a lot of problems, and these issues are what some people are anticipating.
Nostradamus |
And what he predicted is that a large comet will either strike the planet or pass very close by, causing massive earthquakes and other cataclysmic events. This too is predicted to happen around December.
Still another theory is that 2012 brings the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. With the beginning of every new age, astrologers say this has a profound affect on humanity.
I am an Aquarian, so this is going to be 'my' age then! Bring it on!
Then there is old fashioned biblical prophecy, which is the one I'm going with.
The Bible gives many very specific signs of the end times, most of which are already in play (increase in natural disasters, increase in crime & violence, wars, famines, diseases, sexual pervasion, children ruling parents, child on child violence, environmental crisis, etc) .
Do I believe we are living in the end times - yes. Do I believe the world will end on 21 Dec 2012 - no.
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Matthew 24:36
Watch you therefore: for you know not when the master of the house comes, at even, or at midnight, or at the cock-crowing, or in the morning. Mark 13:35
Therefore be you also ready: for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man comes. Matthew 24:44Wait, I am getting to a point with all of this. What made me give this some thought is because 2012 seems to be a year of change. Something is happening this year, and what exactly it is, I am not sure.
I just find it very interesting and significant that so many people I know are making drastic and life-changing decisions. I am not the only crazy one.
These are friends and people I have heard of who are making life-altering changes this year:
- Fayruz - a friend of mine who is a doctor and has been working as a locum for years, has suddenly decided to step out on her own and open her own practice.
- Zhureena - who after listening to my plans to quit my job, promptly quit hers even before I did and is starting her own business. She said I inspired her!
- Steven - who since last year has been trying to get his own business going. This also borne out of the realisation that he has hated every job he ever had and would rather do his own thing.
- Lauren - an ex-colleague who is selling up all her stuff to go off and travel the world! Awesome stuff!
- Lara - who is embarking on her epic journey to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, raising funds for Cystic Fibrosis and put it all out there by starting a blog! More awesome stuff!
- Bonnie - my American friend who has been a teacher for 16 years and has been informed her contract will come to an end in June. After years of problems at various schools, she finally feels it may be time to forge a new path and leave traditional teaching behind. The 'unknown' awaits her as well.
- Tamara - my Belgium friend who has been ill with Fibromyalgia and ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) or as it's more commonly known as 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome', has not been able to work for a year. She is slowly recovering and this year she too will be trying to find a way to a new career.
- Bernell - my cousin living in the USA has just lost his job due to company lay-offs. An unsettling time but also a good time to possibly consider relocating and starting afresh somewhere else. Another one facing the 'unknown' and new opportunties.
- Moira - another friend in the USA who has lost her job. Another one facing new challenges!
Whatever it is, 2012 seems to be the year of change! All aboard! Let's see where this train takes us!
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